Common Dangers of Caving

While caving can be an exciting and rewarding activity, it is important to understand the potential dangers involved. In this article, we will explore the hazards of caving and how to minimize the risks.


Stalactites and Stalagmites

Many people who are not into caving and don’t know a thing about speleology have heard this cave-related word pair – stalactites and stalagmites. They know that they are made of rock, and one of them hangs down from the ceiling and the other rises from the ground. Which is which? No idea? We’ll tell you.


Lechuguilla Cave

Eight-longest cave in the world, Lechuguilla Cave offers an extremely large variety of rock formations and unusual geology. Due to its rare speleothems and microbiology as well as its excellent overall condition, the world-famous Lechuguilla Cave only offers access to approved cavers to reduce impact.


What Should Your Cave Pack Include?

In most cases, protective clothing and gear isn’t enough to go caving. You should also have a sturdy cave pack that contains everything else you might need during your time in the cave – food, water, first aid, extra batteries, extra lights and some other not so obvious stuff. Let’s have a look.


Caves in Colorado

Colorado is home to hundreds of caves, most of which are known only to local caving clubs (grottos). Here we list the major (longest, deepest, most visited or otherwise most well known) caves that have a publicly known location.
